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Royal Commission Inquiry

Published 25 July 2024

Royal Commission Inquiry - Update

We are so very sorry. Abuse in care should never have happened. We are dedicated to supporting survivors, and their whānau, as they journey towards healing and redress.

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island (PSUSI) deeply acknowledges and respects the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in state care and faith-based organisations from 1950-1999.

The Inquiry has confirmed disgraceful instances of neglect and abuse, and we are profoundly sorry for the harm inflicted upon vulnerable children and young people in care.

As an organisation entrusted with the care of children and young persons on behalf of the state during this period, we recognise and condemn the abuse and mistreatment that occurred.

This behaviour is utterly incompatible with our commitment to fostering an equitable, compassionate, and inclusive society, and directly contradicts our core values/kaimana korowai of aroha, whakawhanaungatanga, kotahitanga, tikanga, and kaitiakitanga.

We wish to acknowledge and tautoko the incredible courage and bravery of survivors who have testified and had to revisit these terrible traumas. We recognise that this should never have happened, and we are fully committed to embracing the recommendations made by the Inquiry to ensure the safe and appropriate care of all vulnerable people accessing our services now and in the future.

Barry Helem, Co-CEO/Tumu Whakarae Tauiwi, and Kim Manahi, Co-CEO/Tumu Whakarae Māori, also reaffirm our steadfast commitment to supporting survivors. "PSUSI has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of abuse, and we are dedicated to advocating for the protection of all vulnerable people. We extend our deepest apologies to those who suffered harm while in care and acknowledge the impact this has also had on survivor’s whānau and support networks. We will continue to listen, learn, and support survivors. We promise to do our utmost to help them towards a journey of healing and redress.”

Presbyterian Support is supportive of the establishment of the independent Puretumu Torowhānui redress scheme, to help support survivors and their whānau affected by abuse in State and faith-based care and help prevent abuse in care.

In the interim, if you, or a member of your whānau, has been harmed while in the care of our services, we urge you to come forward and speak with us directly or seek support from New Zealand Police.


Key Contact

Barry Helem
Co-CEO/Tumu Whakarae Tauiwi

Published February 2021

Royal Commission Inquiry Abuse in Care

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island (PSUSI) welcomes the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in state care and in the care of faith-based organisations during 1950-1999.

The Inquiry is looking into what abuse happened, why it happened, and what the impacts were.

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island was one of a number of organisations throughout New Zealand that provided care of children and young persons on behalf of the state during the period covered by the Royal Commission Terms of Reference.

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island Tumu Whakarae Tauiwi/CO-CEO, Barry Helem, says the organisation strongly condemns any form of abuse and is committed to its vision of an equitable, compassionate and inclusive society. He says they will continue to do their utmost to advocate for the protection of all vulnerable people.

“We are deeply committed to working with the Royal Commission of Inquiry and wish to acknowledge the hurt and pain that has been caused in the past to those in care. The abuse and mistreatment of children, young people and vulnerable adults was never ok, and this is certainly not who we are today. As these historical abuses have come to light, we have worked with the victims to apologise and support them as best we could. We will continue to work with the Royal Commission, and the survivors of abuse, and welcome any further recommendations we receive as a result of this Inquiry.”

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island requests that anyone who has experienced abuse through their connection with PSUSI care facilities, to make contact with them, to the Police, or the Royal Commission directly.

Presbyterian Support provides social and community services in seven regions around the country. The organisation works with people from cradle to grave to help them build strong families and supports people who are ageing and/or living with disability or injury. These services are offered by Presbyterian Support to all in the community regardless of age, ethnicity, background or gender.

Inquiries can be directed to Presbyterian Support Upper South Island Tumu Whakarae Tauiwi/Co-CEO, Barry Helem via email.

Our stories

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"Lucas* was a vibrant nine-year-old boy whose heart overflowed with love for animals and a thirst for adventure. "
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27 September 2022
"Recently, we unveiled our stunning Pouākai sculpture at the front of Te Korowai. This beautiful piece was created by our talented kaimahi, Matt Rainey."
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"In our journey to make a real difference in people’s lives, we met Jane*, a courageous individual with a history of trauma who was facing an immense challenge."
Collaboration Transforms Lives
"During the last school holidays, our Mid-Canterbury team organised a Kiwi colouring and Naming competition, celebrating creativity."
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"There are a number of different parking options for visitors at our Christchurch Presbyterian Support building, Te Korowai."
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"Sarah Campbell has been a volunteer mentor with Presbyterian Support since December 2021. Thanks to this and her psychology background, she has just landed a full-time role with the organisation."
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"Ian’s woodworking journey flourishes with financial mentoring, ensuring his passion endures. "
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"The Pōua Group is a dedicated space for male kaumātua/older people to come together, share stories, and explore the local culture and heritage."
Fostering Fun and Fellowship
"We're thrilled to announce that, thanks to your support, we raised an astounding $37,178 from our Spring and Summer appeals. "
Supporting brighter tomorrow's!
"Harry*, a man in his sixties, has been incredibly affected by his past and experienced times of deep depression and feelings of suicide."
Letting Go to Move Forward
"We’re delighted to share the ongoing success of our 2023 Christmas Giving Programme! Thanks to generous donations, whānau across our regions received heartwarming surprise gifts."
Festive Reflections
"Meet Sam*, a young man in his 20’s who faced challenges in the care system, but never stopped striving for a brighter future. "
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"Harry*, a man in his sixties, has been incredibly affected by his past and experienced times of deep depression and feelings of suicide."
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"In the heart of Blenheim, members of the Tōtara Club have been experiencing the transformative power of music therapy. "
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"Retirement often raises questions about how to find purpose and stay engaged, but for Anne Knight, the path was crystal clear. "
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"Tuning Into Kids™(TIK) is a parenting programme which helps parents teach their children/tamariki how to understand and regulate their emotions, and how to communicate how they feel. "
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The facts


Last year we helped over 3,000 families/whānau to learn, grow and thrive.


Last year 200 volunteers donated 22,396 hours of their time to help us.


893 older people/kaumātua attended our Enliven day programmes.

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