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Elder Care Canterbury


What is Elder Care Canterbury

Elder Care Canterbury (ECC) is a group where the community works together to integrate and improve health services for the wellbeing of older people.

Representatives from many agencies come together through forums and focus groups. Furthermore, older people have a direct voice through an ECC Consumer Group.

Members of the ECC Consumer Group are individual consumers of health services, or members of advocacy organisations.

What does Elder Care Canterbury do?

ECC enables:
ECC enables:

Active involvement of older people in improving their health services

The exchange of information and communication between agencies and groups

ECC identifies:
ECC identifies:

Areas where collaboration between groups/agencies will improve services

Issues, gaps or deficiencies in health services for older people

ECC advocates:
ECC advocates:

For appropriate changes

For improved access to health services for older people

ECC assists with:
ECC assists with:

Information about service gaps so that they are brought to the attention of funders or service providers

Minimising duplication of services

3 elderly folk sitting

What groups form ECC?

Five groups operate under the ECC umbrella:

  1. Christchurch Forum
  2. Mid Canterbury Forum
  3. North Canterbury Forum
  4. Selwyn Forum
  5. Consumer Group Christchurch

How you can get involved

To join one of these groups or to learn more please contact:

Helen Ross
Elder Care Canterbury Coordinator
P. 0800 477 874 or 027 557 7372

Alternatively, contact Presbyterian Support for assistance by clicking on the "Contact us" button.

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