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Dealing with loss and change

Change and loss are part of life and grief is a normal response to these losses.

Seasons For Growth is an 8-week programme for children/tamariki aged 6-12, that uses the seasons as a metaphor to illustrate and help children understand the experience of change, whether it be the death of a parent, parents separating, a parent moving away or some other significant change.

How we help

ps icon green teenage boy

For young people aged 6-12

ps icon green calendar heart

Uses imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief

ps icon green young girl

Helps young people deal with death, separation and divorce

Course outline

  • Weekly sessions of 1 hour
  • Register by clicking on this link or call 0800 477 874

Spaces are limited, however, you can request to be placed on the waitlist.

Upcoming programmes

Venue: Presbyterian Support, 215 Tancred Street, Ashburton

  • 15 February - 4 April: 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm (8 x 1-hour sessions)


Venue: Te Korowai, 44 Bealey Ave, Christchurch

  • 15 February 2023: 8-week course (Time TBC)

Where to start

Seasons For Growth is offered in Mid Canterbury. If you would like more information about the programme please contact us.

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