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Tuning in to Teens™

Tuning in to Teens™ is a 2-hour programme run over six weeks, with a focus on emotions and is designed to support parents establish stronger relationships with their teenage rangatahi.

The programme provides parents with a greater understanding of their teen's developmental needs and emotional experiences, while teaching specific skills that can assist them in being supportive, empathetic and connected with their rangatahi.

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Benefit for parents

  • Creates a greater understanding of teenage emotional experiences
  • Creates a greater understanding of teen developmental needs
  • Reduces tension and conflict within the family
  • Teens are more likely to talk to parents about the challenging issues they face
  • Improves parent's emotional awareness, regulation and communication styles
  • Aims to prevent problems developing and enhance emotional wellbeing and behavioural functioning
Teenager with family on beach

Benefits for teens

  • Are more aware, assertive and strong in situations of peer pressure
  • Have greater success with making friends and are more able to manage conflict with peers
  • More able to cope when upset or angry
  • Have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties
  • Have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults
  • Increased emotional intelligence, which may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ

Programme content

Each Tuning in to Teens™ session focuses on different challenges and situations.

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Session 1: The foundations for emotion coaching and bids for connection

ps icon green teenage boy

Session 2: Connecting and emotional acceptance and adolescent development

ps icon green couple mood

Session 3: Building connection and showing empathy

ps icon green head ache

Session 4: Emotion coaching feat and understanding anxiety

ps icon green puzzle mind

Session 5: Emotion coaching anger and managing rejection

ps icon green teenage girl

Session 6: Emotion coaching now and in the future

By learning these skills, conflict within the family is less likely to occur and rangatahi are more likely to talk to their parents about the challenging issues they face.

It further aims to improve parent's emotional awareness, regulation and communication style by providing them with an opportunity to reflect on their own emotion socialisation experience.

Tuning in to Teens™ also aims to prevent problems developing and enhance emotional wellbeing and behavioural functioning.

Upcoming programmes

This programme typically has 6 x 2-hour sessions.

- Wednesday 14 August - 18 September: 12 - 2.30 pm - Held in Christchurch at Te Korowai. 

- Tuesday 15 October - 26 November (one week break 19 November): 6 - 8.30 pm - Held at Rolleston College.

- Thursday 31 October - 5 December: 6 - 8 pm - Held online via Zoom - Ashburton. 

More information

Tuning in to Teens™ is held in these locations throughout the year:


Mid Canterbury

North Canterbury

If you would like to know more about Tuning in to Teens™ contact us today and one of our team will be able to assist you.

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