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Latest updates

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Here we share a diverse range of updates and stories that reflect the heart of our organisation. These updates go beyond client stories to encompass a broader spectrum, including organisational news, community highlights, and our staff and volunteer journeys.

Our stories serve as powerful reminders of our charity's mission: to enhance the mana of whānau to be safe, resilient and connected. Guided by our dedicated team of trained social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, these individuals have navigated their challenges with audacity, reinforcing our commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. 

"Sarah Campbell has been a volunteer mentor with Presbyterian Support since December 2021. Thanks to this and her psychology background, she has just landed a full-time role with the organisation."
Volunteer lands permanent youth coach role
"Tuning Into Kids™(TIK) is a parenting programme which helps parents teach their children/tamariki how to understand and regulate their emotions, and how to communicate how they feel. "
Tuning Into Kids for deeper connections
"Our Enliven Harakeke Club provides day activity programmes for older people with memory loss and dementia. Read how the Club has transformed the lives of Edward and Judith."
A total transformation thanks to Harakeke
"Āwhina Mai Wellbeing Services was launched in late 2021. This social enterprise offers fee-paying therapeutic services, including counselling."
New social enterprise launched
"Wall of memories dedicated to history of Presbyterian Support."
A little bit of history
"White Ribbon Accreditation for Presbyterian Support will shine a light on domestic violence."
Ending domestic violence
"New online support group for people diagnosed with dementia before the age of 66."
Online support groups – living with dementia
"There are a number of different parking options for visitors at our Christchurch Presbyterian Support building, Te Korowai."
Parking at Te Korowai
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