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Driven by Determination

14 June 2024
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Meet Sam*, a young man in his 20’s who faced challenges in the care system, but never stopped striving for a brighter future.

With a family history marked by violence and addiction, Sam found himself in survival mode, with no parents to turn to for guidance. Sam faced challenges due to his medical condition, leaving him unable to work and residing in a run down rental home. 

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With hope and determination...

Seeking independence and to gain his driving licence, Sam encountered a maze of paperwork and procedures, compounded by the urgent need to secure safer housing. 

Amidst this struggle, Lisa*, our committed Youth Transition Social Worker, recognised Sam’s yearning for stability and swiftly stepped in to offer her support.

Despite Sam’s anxiety about the load of paperwork and the uncertainty about his future, Sam found solace in Lisa’s patient guidance. What started as daunting meetings and paperwork sessions soon turned into moments of shared laughter and camaraderie. Through months of weekly meetings, Sam took significant steps toward his goals.

With Lisa’s encouragement, he applied for his driver’s license. “Guess what? I passed the test! I needed to tell you first,” beamed Sam, beyond excited to share his news with Lisa.

With his newfound confidence, Sam not only conquered his challenges but also became a source of support for others in similar situations, helping with their paperwork questions.

Sam’s journey with anxiety has undergone a profound transformation. "Lisa’s been my rock through it all. I’ve found the courage to face things, but it hasn’t been easy," Sam shared. With her guidance, Sam’s perspective on life has shifted.

Today, he confidently manages his paperwork and appointments independently, finding his stride in a world that once seemed overwhelmingly daunting. 

*Names and images have been changed to protect privacy.

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