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Te Korowai's Pouākai Sculpture

22 July 2024
Pouakai cropped

Recently, we unveiled our stunning Pouākai sculpture at the front of Te Korowai - our Christchurch office.

This beautiful sculpture was created by our talented kaimahi, Matt Rainey.

The Pouākai, the mightiest eagle of Aotearoa, embodies protection and guardianship. In uncertain times, its presence offers reassurance and aroha. 

It serves as a powerful reminder of our collective purpose and responsibilities of tikanga and whanaungatanga.



About the Sculpture

The sculpture, Pouākai, took 150 hours to create, driven by spontaneous inspiration without any plans or sketches.

Its watchful eyes bear witness to the struggles and triumphs within our whare, inspiring courage and kotahitanga.

The presence of the Pouākai reminds our team of their collective purpose and responsibility, fostering a culture of care and camaraderie.

Its wingspan symbolically stretches over every department, its talons safeguard every initiative, and its spirit imbues every endeavour with resilience and purpose.

Matt Rainey

About the Artist

I have been a Family Worker/Counsellor with PSUSI Ashburton for 3 years, also serving as Kaiārahi for the Mana Ake service in Mid Canterbury. My journey with Presbyterian Support spans over a decade, including ten years with Presbyterian Support South Canterbury.

As an experienced sculptor, I primarily work with steel, focusing on New Zealand fauna that convey meaningful messages. My work often blends elements of my Irish heritage with aspects that honour Aotearoa. I strive for artistic freedom, using texture, form, and colour to create authentic expressions without strictly mimicking the original subjects.

It is a privilege to contribute this taonga to Te Korowai, and I hope it brings as much joy to others as it has to me during its creation.

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