Tuning Into Kids™ for deeper connections
Tuning Into Kids™(TIK) is a parenting programme which helps parents teach their children/tamariki how to understand and regulate their emotions, and how to communicate how they feel. It is a globally recognised programme which Presbyterian Support’s Family Works Service offers. Research has shown that having emotionally competent tamariki leads to increased self-confidence, greater physical health, better performance in school, and healthier social relationships, with fewer behavioural difficulties. This shows just how invaluable it is to teach the skills for emotional intelligence. TIK takes place over six weeks and uses group discussions and exercises, videos, role playing, and home activities to teach parents:
- Awareness and regulation of their own and their tamariki’s emotions
- To use their tamariki’s emotional experiences as an opportunity for closeness and teaching
- How to guide tamariki’s behaviour with appropriate limits
- Skills to assist tamariki to verbally label and manage their emotions, and problem solve